Posts tagged with “stories”
What to Do When Things Go Wrong: A Survival Checklist
What to do when it feels like everything’s just gone horribly wrong.
storieshappinesslearningRead post ›Navigating the Tourist Trap
In which our hero grapples with his inner tourist and what that means to his outer hipster. Sort of. This is a story about self-loathing and sight-seeing.
storiestravelRead post ›The Stories We Tell Ourselves
Everything we've ever done ultimately becomes a story. How can we make sure the stories we tell ourselves — and others — are good?
positivitystoriesRead post ›The Fear
When I was twelve, all I wanted to do was kiss Cindy. And I was pretty sure Cindy wanted to kiss me, too. But The Fear was certain a kiss spelled disaster.
confidencestoriesRead post ›Enough with the Sad Stories
When I was a kid, I loved the heavy, dark, sad movies. Now I just want a story to make me smile, even if the plot is completely ridiculous.
entertainmentstoriesRead post ›